Acrylics and texts, from me to you!

I am the snowman! It´s -13C outside! Here inside, it is warm and cosy! I am the snowman! This is sweden, as it should be, this time of the year! I am the snowman! I am the snowman. I am the snowman! Halleluja!

I am what I am! This is stockholm, sweden. It is cold today! It is cold outside today! However, - 13 is better, than -2C, rain and almost no snow! I am the snowman! This is my kind of weather! This is my kind of weather! I am the snowman forever! Halleluja, forever!

There usually are some snow around christmas, but anyway, it is to warm, has become, than it was when I was a kid! Then it could be -8 -15, for 2 months, snow every day, all of the winter. I am the snowman, forever, forever. I am the snowman, forever! Halleluja, forever, my friends, forever!

Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic
Alien with red balloon, Robert Naverstam 2023.

This painting has another side also. This and the other side! A two sided painting!

Acrylic Alien with ballon
Acrylic Alien with ballon
Two Aliens, the other side! Robert Naverstam 2023.

This is the backside of Alien with red balloon!

Alien painting
Alien painting
About not having "full koll".

This about nothing. I do not have "Full koll" These movies might already have been made. If they have been made, at least I haven't notised.

I do not make any money on this site! I haven't made any money at all, almost. I spend my time painting, and writing. I have made three scripts for the movies.

Two especially for Magnus Uggla, a Swedish Rockstar, some years older than me, The first for Uggla, Rocksaga, the second for Uggla, draget 77, one for Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson, After the crash, it might be called! It is in time located some years after the third world war.

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Gouache Painting
Gouache Painting
Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic



