The boss who tried to be boss instead of the boss!

Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic

Hårt tagen!

Jag var för hårt tagen, hur grejar man det? 7årskris? Pågår runt 7-10 års ålder.

Jag var för hårt tagen, skulle gå och hänga mig, i Grimsta Forest. Hej o hå!

Jag är som jag är, skulle gå och hänga mig i Grimsta Forest, 8 eller 9 år gammal.

Vågar knappt knysta om det, skulle kunna bli en dålig förebild.

Skulle kunna bli en dålig förebild, dålig förebild, bra julgransprydnad, i Grimsta Forest! Hänga i en gran i Grimsta Forest.

Hårt tagen, överlevde förmodligen. Bra förebilder, gör de så? Jag lever än! Ha det så bra! Ute med en liten repstump i Grimsta Forest!

Jag blev hårt tagen, för hårt tagen. Hej o hå! Flunk! Det förstår väl alla, att så gör man inte. Vad gör man när man krisar? Åker till släkten, eller pratar med någon man litar på. Vem kan man lita på?

Robert Naverstam 1998

Hårt tagen! Att aldrig ge upp!

Can't we fool someone to go down Niagara falls in a barrel?

Isn't it Easter soon? We are not totally out of season someone said! Everyone knows it is Easter in some days, and that they might get something! Do we get any whiskey till Easter someone asked! Wht do we not go to Euro Disney someone said!

Why do we not go to the Niagara falls, that was popular ages ago! To go down stuck in a barrel, small movies from the 30's! Almost no one survived! Who did? It is forbidden to go there now I believe. Maybee we are what we are! 1925, stuck in a barrel! Would you go down voluntarily?

How about me and my life? A kid might have to take to much responsibility! I had the best life a kid could get, I thought that, honestly! Everyone got to take care! Easter, what is that? I had the best life a child could get.

Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic

Theatre for the world!

I do not mean to be impolite, almost everyone knows what I think about work, fountain house, and the persons involved! They are chasing costs, the taxes in all of our world are a weapon for equality and development, What a world! Would I be able to make a full days work, as an ordinary person?

What about if we said that we had a lot of military men at fountainhouse in USA? That cannot be, too many? How come we don't realise. Woody Guthrie sang about good old Uncle Sam, he was red as, what., He sang about your land and my land.

Stockholm the comic
Stockholm the comic

Stockholm 18

My Island 2024 21